Why Plant Trees? / Making Money from Farm Forestry / Timber Products
Why Farm Forestry
Why Plant Trees
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Designing a Farm Forest

Timber products

There are thousands of different solid and reconstituted wood products commercially available, ranging from fine furniture to paper.

Wood and wood residues are also the basis of many chemically derived products, including cellophane, charcoal, dyestuffs, explosives, lacquers, turpentine and yeast.

Although cellulose and lignin are the main constituents of all woods, cell structure and the presence of resins, minerals and other compounds can greatly affect wood properties. To understand the market specifications for timber products it is necessary to thoroughly understand wood.

Wood growth and structure
Wood properties
Tree growth and wood production

Preferable wood characteristics and defects that reduce log value can be identified for almost all wood markets and processes.

Sawn timber products
Plywood and veneers
Woodchips for pulp, paper and wood panel production
Posts and poles
Fuelwood and extractives
Biomass for energy

Timber is a heavy product, and is rarely transported more than a few hundred kilometres, so market opportunities vary across the country. Few farmers are experienced at harvesting and marketing wood products. For this reason, farmers are advised to learn about what industries are currently purchasing timber in their region and to consider how markets might change over time.

Marketing forest products and services

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