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Tools for pruning
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  Tools for pruning

A wide range of tools is used for pruning. They include handsaws, pole saws, loppers, secateurs, chainsaws, hydraulic secateurs and battery operated loppers. There are ladders—some of which require harnesses—for those who are prepared to climb. But there is no tool that is appropriate for every job.

Handsaws are essential to cut large branches—or those growing at an acute angle to the stem—accurately. Loppers are quick and effective for small branches, but risk damaging the bark if used on hardwoods during the growing season. Pole saws are effective for pruning small lateral branches from the ground and controlling epicormic shoots on hardwoods. Pole secateurs can be useful for pre-emptive pruning from the ground. Chainsaws are heavy, noisy and not necessary if pruning is done while branches are small. Pole chainsaws can cause enormous damage to the branch collar and should never be used. Hydraulic and compressed air pruners are expensive and cumbersome. Battery operated secateurs may be dangerous to handle while on a ladder. Pruning platforms are ideal on flat land, but can be expensive.

Ladders or platforms are necessary for the pruner to work close to the branch ensuring a clean and accurate cut. Climbing without a harness is risky and unnecessary. A vertical climbing ladder, used in combination with a harness (and bicycle helmet) allows the operator to use loppers safely, reduces the risk of dangerous falls (compared to conventional ladder pruning), and reduces operator fatigue.

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